Amazing Roadmap: An inspirational day for women

By His Associates Coaching (other events)

Saturday, January 7 2023 9:30 AM 2:30 PM EDT

Start the New Year off with a renewed excitement and focus.

Join your sisters for a special day just for you.

Have you felt that the pandemic has put a damper on living to the fullest?   Do you feel like you're simply drifting and not living?

Please join us and our facilitator as you are guided through a day filled with fun and inspiration.  Come away understanding what God's word has to say about living to the fullest. 

The morning session will include time devoted to discovering your Divine Design.  You will learn tips to identiying your God-given talents, gifts, and strengths.

Then we will dive into Life-Planning and Creating a Life that Counts.  Learn what it means to live a life with no regrets.

Luncheon will consist of dishes lovingly prepared by your sisters.  Enjoy the pitch-in/pot-luck fellowship.

The afternoon will be spent tapping into God-inspired Creativity as we have fun crafting Vision Boards.  

The closing session will be spent with a time of  "Show & Tell" while  solidifying action steps for Success!


Do you have any questions?   Feel free to reach out to Gail Davis at [email protected] or call her at 914.610.6719


It is important to pre-register because space is limited.   All pre-registered will receive by email a packet of preliminary coaching questions to answer, along with housekeeping details for the day.